As stated earlier, Trollope Mining Services is a privately-owned entity that operates on good sound corporate practices and is recognised for delivering a superior service in the mining sector and services industry at the highest levels of production and safety. The Company supports the responsible management of health and safety, which forms an integral part of our business ethic.


Accordion Content

Through strategic management of health and safety, and by creating a culture of health and safety awareness and responsibility we strive to:

  • Apply sound health and safety management principles and operating practices
  • Comply with the client specifications, rules and requirements
  • Protect health and promote safety of personnel, customers and the community
  • Be alert to customer needs, technological advancement and socio-economic priority
  • Reduce the hazards and potential hazards in our working environment
  • Effectively manage factors that could affect the health and welfare of our employees, such as the Covid19 pandemic
  • Promote staff welfare by granting employees access to external counselling services in respect of health, finances, bereavement, legal, and family matters
  • Provide a safe, hygienic and healthy working environment for the well-being of our employees;
  • Manage our risks rather than trying to eliminate them totally;
  • Ensure that the health and safety of the community is not
    compromised by our operation;
  • Comply with the requirements of health and safety rules and regulations;
  • Motivate, educate and train employees to assume personal ownership of health and safety issues;
  • Focus on the application of health and safety standards, including fire protection, good work  practices and sound management principles, to ensure that all possible        measures are taken to minimize losses and avoid  accidents;
  • Enlist the commitment of all staff to comply with the Act and Regulations and to manage and counter the hazards of our business through a well-practiced health and safety programme;
  • Co-operate with professional bodies in formulating health and safety standards, with the intent of making these realistic while achieving a fair balance between health and safety priorities and economic values;
  • Entrench safety as a value for our people which is not compromised;
  • Strive to achieve the industry best practice;
  • Prevent accidents and ensure healthy working relations
  • Quality Management Systems  –  ISO 9001:2015
  • Environmental Management System –  ISO 14001:2015
  • Occupational Health & Safety Management System –  ISO 45001:2018



Accordion Content

Through strategic management of health and safety, and by creating a culture of health and safety awareness and responsibility we strive to:

  • Apply sound health and safety management principles and operating practices
  • Comply with the client specifications, rules and requirements
  • Protect health and promote safety of personnel, customers and the community
  • Be alert to customer needs, technological advancement and socio-economic priority
  • Reduce the hazards and potential hazards in our working environment
  • Effectively manage factors that could affect the health and welfare of our employees, such as the Covid19 pandemic
  • Promote staff welfare by granting employees access to external counselling services in respect of health, finances, bereavement, legal, and family matters
  • Provide a safe, hygienic and healthy working environment for the well-being of our employees;
  • Manage our risks rather than trying to eliminate them totally;
  • Ensure that the health and safety of the community is not
    compromised by our operation;
  • Comply with the requirements of health and safety rules and regulations;
  • Motivate, educate and train employees to assume personal ownership of health and safety issues;
  • Focus on the application of health and safety standards, including fire protection, good work  practices and sound management principles, to ensure that all possible        measures are taken to minimize losses and avoid  accidents;
  • Enlist the commitment of all staff to comply with the Act and Regulations and to manage and counter the hazards of our business through a well-practiced health and safety programme;
  • Co-operate with professional bodies in formulating health and safety standards, with the intent of making these realistic while achieving a fair balance between health and safety priorities and economic values;
  • Entrench safety as a value for our people which is not compromised;
  • Strive to achieve the industry best practice;
  • Prevent accidents and ensure healthy working relations
  • Quality Management Systems  –  ISO 9001:2015
  • Environmental Management System –  ISO 14001:2015
  • Occupational Health & Safety Management System –  ISO 45001:2018
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