Trollope Mining Services (2000) (Pty) Ltd has a level 2 BBBEE empowerment rating (Score 97.08) and has 26% Black ownership. The company has adopted a BBBEE policy that corresponds with its group policy. The accreditation process confirms the status of Trollope Mining Services’ participation in government’s aim for the business to contribute towards transformation.

The company’s corporate practices are based on the principle of equality irrespective of race, gender, religion, language, origin or physical circumstance. Trollope Mining Services is committed to eliminating discrimination in any form and has implemented an employment equity plan with set targets, including affirmative action in all activities and acceptance of all cultures represented in the workforce. TMS endeavours to work with the communities around our operations and generally enjoys healthy Industrial Relations with them. There is a business imperative within South Africa to maximise employment of individuals and services from the immediate community.

The business’s strategy includes a focus on employment equity and the promotion of business equity through procurement practices. The company is committed to empowerment at all levels of its operations and is proud of its empowerment credentials. We are currently mentoring several SME entities in the opencast mining field. Furthermore, Trollope Mining Services is increasingly concentrating on affirmative procurement to further advance business equity and increase the percentage of goods and services procured from black empowered companies.

There is a management development plan in place for black managers and the transference of skills to black staff. Black participation in the governance structures of Trollope Mining Services is underway. The business has made numerous advances in respect of these issues. The BBBEE policy further promotes the company’s commitment to Socio-Economic Development as well as Enterprise Development.

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