Zondereinde Mine

Client: Northam Platinum | Date: 1990

Our oldest contract; Trollope has been on site since 1989. The contracted works involve materials handling of PGM ore and waste around the concentrator and smelter plants. This scope includes clearing and rehandling of ore into various ROM bins, waste handling and haulage to dumps, and civils and crushing work.


Client: Sedibelo Platinum | Date: 2016

PPM is situated next to the Pilanesberg Game Reserve in the Northwest Province. Trollope is currently responsible for the load and haul operation of the Waste and Ore material. We are currently mining in excess of 1 million BCMs per month. Our scope includes the bulk mining of waste and selective mining of ore, internal waste and UG2.

Tharisa Mine

Client: Tharisa Minerals | Date: 2023

Our newest PGM project; Trollope is contracted to mine bulk and internal waste and the selective mining of the UG1 Chromitite reef. Our scope includes drilling, and loading & hauling of more than 1 200 000 tonnes of material per month.


Karowe Diamond Mine

Client: Lucara Diamonds | Date: 2018

Lucara’s 100 percent owned Karowe diamond Mine, located in Botswana, has been in production since 2012 and is one of the world’s foremost producers of large, Type IIA diamonds. Trollope is responsible for mining more than 350 000 BCM of Waste and ORe per month. Our scope also includes the rehandling of ore stockpiles to the plant and the occasional civils work.



Thermal Coal



Platinum Group Metals


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